2025 Scholarship Topic
Imagine That A Big Box Store Wishes To Open In Glen Cove
1) What are your thoughts about that?
2) Do you think it's sustainable and do you think it would last?
3) What would be the fallout on the small businesses that currently exist, and on future small businesses?
4) How would it impact traffic and parking?
5) Where should Glen Cove's loyalties lie?
Glen Cove Chamber Memorializes Dr. Glenn Howard Jr. With Scholarship
The Glen Cove Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that their annual scholarship will now be named after Dr. Glenn Howard Jr. to keep his memory alive. The passing of Dr. Howard has left the community profoundly saddened, as Glenn was a precious resource, advisor and liaison not only to the Chamber, but other local organizations as well. He was extremely active, well known and highly respected by all who knew him. In the Chamber, Glenn served on the board for decades, bringing an unmatched wealth of knowledge and leadership experience to the table. He was a tireless volunteer who was ever ready, willing and able to help out in any project or detail, because he always had something of real value to contribute. Glenn possessed extreme intellect, wit and wisdom that we welcomed and came to rely upon.
Education was very important to Dr. Howard and he became especially involved in administering the annual Chamber Scholarship. He enjoyed the privilege of reading the creative essays submitted by our high school seniors and having a voice in judging those essays. As joyful as it was for Glenn to pick winners, he always deeply lamented having to disqualify applicants who wrote good essays but simply didn't follow the instructions required for eligible applications. So, dear applicants, please be sure to follow the instructions for applying!
The board of Glen Cove Chamber of Commerce feels that the Dr. Glenn Howard, Jr Scholarship is a fitting way to perpetuate the legacy of our beloved Glenn while honoring students and helping them financially.
Help Fund The Dr. Glenn Howard Jr. Annual Scholarship By Making An Online Donation Below
Please consider donating online using the form below or by check payable to: